This site is lucky enough to have an interview with our honorable mayor about the situation with the lite-brites in Boston.
SA: Thank you so much for talking to us sir. I'm sure you are very busy today
Menino: unintelligible mumbling
SA: Ummm, thanks. So what was the reason for Boston reacting in such an extreme manner to this ad campaign?
Menino: unintelligible mumbling
SA: Okkkkkkkkay. Did you realize that these small, harmless boxes had been in Boston for 3 weeks now?
Menino: unintelligible mumbling chowdah!! unintelligible mumbling
SA: So how can you explain the fact that many other cities had this ad campaign and did not react like Boston did?
Menino: unintelligible mumbling *takes plain white envelope from a teamster*
SA: What do you have to say to those of us who are now embarrassed to be associated with Boston?
Menino: Gooooooo Sox
SA: Thank you for your time, you Giant Douche.